Tomate, zanahoria rallada, lechuga y apio blanco.
Tomato, grated carrots, lettuce and celery. |
zanahoria, camote, ayote, cebolla, horneados y servidos fríos juntos con tomate cherry, rúcula y queso de cabra suave.
carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, onions, roasted and served cold with cherry tomatoes, arugula and goat cheese. |
Pollo, huevo duro, palmito, tomate, lechuga, zanahoria rallada, aguacate, maíz dulce y remolacha.
Chicken, hard-boiled egg, hearts of palm, tomato, lettuce, grated carrots, avocado, sweet corn and red beet. |
Mozzarella bocconcini, tomate, albahaca y aceite de oliva.
Bocconcini di mozzarella, tomato, basil and olive oil. |
Rucula, lechuga, tomate y queso parmesano.
Arugula, lettuce, tomato and parmesan cheese. |
Con queso de cabra y hojuelas de almendra.
Fresh spinach, roasted tomatoes and goat cheese topped with toasted almond flakes. |
Camarones, aguacate, manzana verde, apio y palmitos con Salsa rosada.
Shrimps, avocado, green apple, celery and hearts of palm with cocktail Sauce. |
Prosciutto, tomate y mozzarella bocconcini, sobre colchón de rúcula y lechuga con vinagre balsámico.
Prosciutto, tomato and bocconcini di mozarella, over a bed of arugula and lettuce with balsamic vinegar. |